About.com: Race Relations
Nadra Kareem
May 31, 2010
In 2007, Savannah State University made history when it hired Robby Wells--the school's first white football coach. But after leading the Savannah State Tigers for two years, Wells resigned early this year. He now says that the Georgia-based historically black college gave him the choice of resigning voluntarily or being fired. According to a federal lawsuit filed by the former coach, school officials not only took issue with his race but with the fact that he's engaged to a black woman.
"They believed that he would have difficulty connecting with their alumni and the community," James E. Rollins, Wells' attorney, told the Associated Press on May 28. At a meeting in January, Wells alleges that SSU's vice president of administration, Claud Flythe, told him that Savannah residents would never support him because of his interracial relationship. A week after the meeting and a month after the coach had signed on for one more year, administrators reportedly urged Wells to resign.
More foolishness after the jump...
Why do we continue to act surprised when we see this more and more each day? When will America stop kidding itself and realize that there IS indeed a double standard when it comes to WHITE MEN DATING/MARRYING BLACK SKINNED WOMEN??
It's my understanding the fired coach has filed a reverse-discrimination lawsuit.
ETA thanks V!
I guess they thought this was there way of pay-back. Little do they know that this guy, just might get a better opportunity at another school, with better pay, and will probably see him at the game beating their ass.
ReplyDeleteand flaunting their relationship? give me a break. if she wasn't present, they would think he was hidding her, but because she's present, he's flaunting? smdh.
I don't know why people are doing this we are all the same within and we might have differences outside but it should not matter. This issue started centuries ago so we should stop discriminating and just love one another. I know right that it will be hard but can we at least try.
ReplyDeleteNice post Selena
That is not fair! There should be justice for this. I know this is not the first but still I was hoping that this will remain in our history and not reflect in our current time.
ReplyDeleteWhat happen after the reverse-discrimination lawsuit?
Well the black community does the same thing we fought against for years,dicrimination because a white man chose to be engaged to a black woman. You start hearing about the past (slavery). It is okay for the black man and white woman. Their relationships are all over the TV/media magazines,public places waving their see us flags. So double standard. Looks like if black women never found love this would suit some (black men)in the black community just fine while they futher their own selfish desires. Wake up black women. If you find love in a nonblack man,so be it. Never settle for a man just because he is black (any man)and have no real interest in you. God has no problem with male/female interracial relationships, marriage, why should anyone else? I hope this couple got married and are happy. And yes there should be justice for this. Shame on this University. The black community only protects the black men while the women/children have to look after themselves now days.He probably got a better job as well.