Friday, August 13, 2010

Black Woman Married To A White Man Gets Ridiculed On Air...

Talk radio host Dr. Laura Schlessinger issued an apology for saying the N-word several times during an on-air conversation with a caller this week. "I talk every day about doing the right thing. And yesterday, I did the wrong thing," Schlessinger said on her radio show Wednesday.

Schlessinger was referring to a call she got on her show Tuesday from an African-American woman who said she was married to a white man and was getting fed up with her husband allowing his family and friends to say things that she felt were racist.- CNN

What in the tomandhelenwillis Hell is going on? Did the woman ever get some adequate advice?

Sooo many questions *scratches head*  :-/

Here the racial rant phone call after the jump...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

What Does An Asian College Kid Know About Stepping In The Name of Love?

I tell you what, there's absolutely nothing that will stop young creative, progressive people from getting their message heard. The passion and energy that they possess is simply limitless.

Some how I became a Facebook friend to one such kid by the name of Vouthynar "V" Sovann.  While attending college at Maryland University, V manages to find time to admin not one but two sites dedicated to interracial relationships.

 I've showcased one of his sites previously on DWB but didn't realize he was one of the founders back then.  Interracial dating among Asian men/black women continues to draw the curious and one topic posted by a member on his forum drew over 150 responses!

V, himself an interracial dater, is known for his lavish house parties, family friendly events, and holiday inspired bashes.  I have yet to make it to one of his parties but I've heard that people are traveling from as far as Texas and Georgia to attend.

To check out V's Beyond Skin Deep United and be heard, follow the jump...

Side note: Hit up V's Facebook Page to see him "stepping"-  It's too cute.

I'm out!